We got a chance to reuse the photo booth for Rob and Sarah’s wedding on 8.18.18 Easiest way to get the images into people hands is making this gallery.
Category: General Ranting
Blowing off steam…
The Story of Clothed Eye
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always collected things. Rocks, Sea shells, Napkins, Comic books, and even domain names. At one point I owned over 150 domains, some just for fun, others reminders of stories I need to still write. One late night I heard the phrase “naked eye” and it made me… Continue reading The Story of Clothed Eye
Porthole in my Kitchen
We have been remodeling our kitchen, so my steampunk activity has been nonexistent. We did put a porthole in the kitchen wall where a window was, so that kinda counts right? Just letting anyone that visits know we are still alive and around. Once the basement gets cleared out, again, I hope to get back… Continue reading Porthole in my Kitchen
Steampunk Animated Short
Very cool Steampunk Animated Short: “Mr Hublot” based on Stephane Halleux’s Universe. For some reason this reminds me of our Pitbull/Mastiff mix. Apparently it won an oscar? Go Steampunk go!
Check Out Error
The site is currently experiencing some technical difficulties with checkout. Please visit my shop on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/shop/ClothedEye and use coupon code “ERROR” for 10% off while we get things fixed over here.
Steampunk Wedding?
As of January 2nd, 2013 I am engaged to the most amazing, fun, beautiful and intelligent woman I have ever met. Our second date was at District VII in Detroit, and really got me full into this crazy thing we call Steampunk. While I don’t want a full on over-themed steampunk wedding, I think some… Continue reading Steampunk Wedding?
Everyday Carry
My everyday carry items as of December 2012. Survival Straps paracord bracelet. Spyderco Dragonfly G10 Knife, 4Sevens Mini ML-X Flashlight, Swiss+Tech UKCSB-1 Utili-Key, Key Chain with carabiner, iPhone 5, leather chain wallet. Nothing really steampunk, just utility.
Realizing the size of the world
It’s rather small.
Should Have Done Something
When you find yourself busiest, if often the time you seek for self reflection. I am overdue on a project that I really want to do, but cannot seem to find the inspiration to complete it. Doing things for others, as is the tattoo artists way, can become a frustrating path. By no means is… Continue reading Should Have Done Something
Straftanz on why they are so cool
This might be less entertaining if you have not seen their stupidly fun life show. But these german techno gurus know how to have fun as well as engage the social media, even in RL! WOOT WOOT! STRAFTANZ RULES